About Eat By Date - How Long Does Food Last?

We are a group of contributors from the kitchen and classroom communities who set out to answer the question, “How long does food really last?”. From the best ingredients to the ordinary, we provide you with a diverse and informative perspective on food shelf life, food safety, expiration dates, recipes, substitutions, food storage and more. We are focused on helping you save money, eat healthy, and debunk the myth of expiration dates on food.

How to use the site: Browse the menu above, use the search function to the left or click a picture below to learn about your favorite foods and beverages!

Food Date MythIt may come as a shock, but printed food dates are not federally regulated and do not refer to food safety. Thus, it is usually safe to eat your "expired" food after its printed date has passed. This article helps you determine what’s in a "use by", "best before", "best by" or "sell by" date to help you break away from the food date myth. Utilize our shelf life resource and stop throwing out perfectly good food.

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Clean those Greens

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