Monthly Archives: February 2017


How Long is Overnight?

When speaking of cooking and/or baking, how long is overnight?
When a recipes says “marinate overnight”, “chill overnight” or “let rise overnight”; how long do they actually mean?

No need to eat your roast for breakfast… The term “marinate overnight”, when used in cooking terms, gives you freedom to leave your meat marinate […]

By | February 28th, 2017|Blog, FAQ|

Kahlúa Brownies for National Kahlúa Day

February 27th is National Kahlúa Day, so why not celebrate with a special dessert that’s a perfect compliment to your drink… Kahlúa brownies.

This brownie recipe is easy to whip up and comes out moist and chewy with that distinct Kahlúa taste throughout each and every bite. Kahlúa liquor is added into both […]

By | February 25th, 2017|Blog|

New Food Dating Recommendations

The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) and the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), the two largest trade groups for the grocery industry, announced this week that they’ve adopted standardized, yet still voluntary, regulations to clear up what product date labels mean.[1] The updated guidelines are an attempt to help with the food waste problem. […]

By | February 18th, 2017|Blog|

Shake Up Your Foods Using Sesame Seeds

Try some new ways using sesame seeds. They're good for you and add a little nutty to crunch to whatever you're doing.

By | February 15th, 2017|Blog|

Make Oreo Pops for Your Valentine

Did you grab some Winter Oreos when they were half off the week after Christmas? If they’ve survived the month in your pantry (the shelf life is fine, the question if they already got eaten or not), then repurpose them for Valentine’s Day!

The double stuff Oreos with the red filling will […]

By | February 9th, 2017|Blog|

How to Freeze Soup

Arguably, the perfect dinner on a cold winter night is some homemade soup and a hunk of crusty bread. And, the best way to make homemade soup is in a very large pot or a crock pot. If you agree with both of these statements, but don’t like to eat the same thing […]

By | February 2nd, 2017|Blog|