Monthly Archives: February 2019


Which Condiments Need Refrigeration?

We’ve found out in previous EatByDate posts that condiments like ketchup and soy sauce are pretty shelf stable, so much so that even once opened they can be left to sit right out on the counter. Let’s now explore a whole list of condiments and see whether they also can remain safely […]

By | February 24th, 2019|Blog, FAQ|

What is Citron?

What is citron?

Citron is a semitropical fruit that is similar to a lemon, but it is a drier fruit with a much thicker rind and pulp.

The citron fruit skin looks much like a lemon in color, but the skin is generally bumpier and the […]

By | February 20th, 2019|Blog, FAQ|

What is Ultra-Filtered Milk?

What is ultra-filtered milk?
What is ultra-pasteurized milk?
Do ultra-filtered milk and ultra-pasteurized milk have longer shelf lives than regular milk?

We will explain how ultra-filtered milk and ultra-pasteurized milks are made and describe what makes each of them both unique and similar. As far as the questions “does ultra-filtered milk have a […]

By | February 15th, 2019|Blog, Uncategorized|

Valentines 2019

Happy Valentines Day! (almost)

Just couldn’t let the day pass without showing a few uses for the heart shaped cookie cutter. Although it’s made for cookies, this application is considered a little healthier for the actual heart.

Don’t just think desserts when thinking of Valentines Day treats. Also […]

By | February 11th, 2019|Blog, Uncategorized|

Using Parmesan Rind

After grating all the parmesan possible (without producing any bloody fingers) there is still a nice hunk of cheese that remains intact. Since it is nearly impossible to break up any further, many people will simply toss it in the trash! Stop the madness!

This rind, or large outside edge from the round […]

By | February 8th, 2019|Blog|

Why does Boxed Wine have an Expiration Date while Bottled Wine does Not?

Does boxed wine expire? Why do boxes of wine have expiration dates? Why does wine in a bag have a use by date or a production date and wines in a bottle never have any type of expiration date?

As you probably guessed, it is indeed the packaging.

By | February 4th, 2019|Blog|